Our webinar on Thursday ended abruptly before we could wrap things up properly.
The big takeaway: Our Beliefs determines our Actions which shapes our Results.
In this episode we discussed health.
Our current health is (almost) entirely the product of our past actions and behaviours.
And these actions are based on your beliefs, whether conscious or unconscious.
Our behaviors (actions) never lie.
If you don’t like your results, look at your actions.
The challenge is that many of our actions and behaviours are unknowingly based on false or inaccurate beliefs.
For many, being healthy means “feeling good”. But on closer inspection, health is MUCH more than that.
There are literally hundreds of illnesses that show no symptoms. (i.e. high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease, etc).
Your homework this week – ask yourself:
1. What is health? What does it mean to be healthy?
2. What is the vision for my health?
3. Why do I want to be healthy?
4. What action steps do I need to take daily to make sure that I achieve my vision of great health?