It’s All Hallows Eve.
Growing up in Calgary, I got used to wearing my snowsuit over my costume. I mean, seriously, it’s a tough go when you are a fancy robot, with your Cougar boots and a winter jacket on!
As a kid I pounded the streets in search of those wrapped treats. I would eat so much for months. usually by Christmas, my mom would throw out the last rejected bits that I wouldn’t touch. (Tootsie rolls are gross!…sorry not sorry.)
And like clockwork, every year I was sick as a kid. I had bronchitis 5-6 times per year and chronic sinus infections all winter long. I took so many antibiotics as a kid that my teeth turned yellow. True Story.
My own kids – they’ve never taken an antibiotic. Never. They’ve never needed one. Do they get sick? Sure they do! But they process it very quickly and it’s over.
The same story year after year
Yesterday I was talking with a mom in my family practice. Her kids were so excited about Halloween. As parents, we love that our kids show such excitement and wonder about something like Halloween. As a stick in the mud parent/family chiropractor, I shudder at what all those treats are doing to our kids’ immune systems.
School starts and the kids are outside less. The sun is out less and less each day as fall approaches. We start with more of the comfort foods and less of the fresh foods. Kids are packed together in the schools and the boogers are everywhere.
Then comes Thanksgiving and lots of over eating and late nights. Fall begins and we are shut indoors more and more. Halloween comes and the kids fill up on candy. The sugar causes a depression in the immune system and the kids express more and more tacky colds and flus. This continues through November and then Christmas comes. More late nights, treats all day and by now the grandparents and families are swapping their viruses like a group of teens swapping selfies at the mall.
January and February are here and the family “can’t seem to shake this cold”. It recycles and the story continues until spring when we get outside again and soak up some vitamin D again.
As parents, we need to keep our heads up at all times. I first learned of the Switch Witch a few years ago. On Halloween Night, the kids take a bit of their candy and keep it. The majority of it is left out for the Switch Witch who comes and leaves a toy or sporting good for them.
The kids get the fun of getting dressed up, going out for Halloween and enjoying some candy. But we keep them well instead of letting them get unwell.
So – is the Switch Witch coming to see you this year?
Want some direction on how to keep you and your family healthy this winter and beyond?
Join us November 7 at 6:30PM for our EAT BY DESIGN seminar.