Do you have a cold flu fighting strategy? I’m going to admit it! I’m one of those people who always gets a good old cold, often several a winter and ones that like to stick around!
So this cold season I’m taking action! It’s more than just proactive, I mean business. I have set about making myself a plan that is focused on being
Put cold and flu season to rest
cold/flu free! There is so much information available on colds and flus, what not to do and what to do. What’s true? What’s bogus? I think it really depends on the individual. There are so many factors: gender, age, medications, lifestyle, physical activity and public exposure, to name a few.
So here’s my plan!
- vitamins and supplements
- sleep
- more sleep
- nutrition
- and you know I’m going to say… Get Adjusted!
Not just vitamins and supplements but a good boost of the right ones. What is right for you? I discovered a really great website. It was interesting to see which ones I needed to bump up. I’ve set a reminder in my phone so that I cannot forget to take them. Again this needs to be a priority. Is it too late to start? Never! What if you miss a few days? Just get back at it. Cellular regeneration happens constantly!
We all know about the benefits of a goods nights sleep and while it often feels like an elusive beast in my world I have also learned to nap! Especially if I feel like a cold is trying to break in. I found myself nodding off on Sunday (when I had better things I should be doing) but decided instead to listen to my body and just rest. Just thirty minutes but I had a great boost in energy afterwards.
Meditation (or mindfulness, positive thinking) are also cold fighting tools! It’s true! Negative thoughts can drain your energy and your spirit, also putting a strain on our body. Begin each day with one simple positive word, I often use “kindness” and insert it into situations or conversations that are dragging me down. You’ll notice quickly how it can change your entire day!
I really like to dabble in the kitchen in the fall. I’m an ok cook, also a work in progress! But you can add a lot of nutrition and cold fighting antioxidants in a good old pot of soup! You know those afternoons at work when everyone around you has been sneezing and wheezing and sharing their best with you? A good hot cup of soup will build you back up and give you the energy (mentally and physically) to keep fighting!
Patients sometimes call and say “I can’t come in today, I’m sick” Truth is, you need to be here more than ever. Chiropractic care is helping your body do what it needs to do at an optimum level. Get your butt in here! Get adjusted and go home to bed!
You can thank us later!
There are so many more tips and tricks to fighting the common cold. Building a strong physical body, strategic dressing, light therapy and so so much more. Find a path that is right for you and don’t be afraid to change it if it’s not enough!
What’s your plan?