This was the conversation I had most recently with a patient of mine. She had recently taken her kid to see his pediatrician. Later that morning she cancelled all of his future appointments.
Frustrated. Angry. Disappointed.
These are the emotions that I felt initially. How could a physician who has NO formal training in the chiropractic profession determine whether or not our mutual patient can or cannot receive chiropractic care? If I have no formal training in prescribing medication, how could I possibly tell someone which ones they need? Which ones they don’t?
The answer is I DON’T.
Like most things, when I encounter a challenge, I turn inward and ask how does this serve me to learn from? I realized quickly that the pediatrician probably thinks that chiropractic adjustments are a ‘once size fits all’ approach. That the same type of traditional manual adjustments are the only tool in the chiropractor’s toolkit. That adjusting a child is akin to a ninja movie, whereby someone violently turns someone’s head.
Not true.
Pediatrician Retracts His Comment=-
After speaking to the pediatrician, I spoke of our process – how we take time to evaluate our patients with care. How we perform Structural X-rays (WHEN NECESSARY). I spoke of our Neuro-Structural Digital Thermography and Electromyography Technology and the insight it gives us to pinpoint how a child needs to be adjusted with precision. I told him how adjusting a child uses as much pressure as you would squeeze a tomato to check if it is ripe. How I use little to no force and how working with children is safe and gentle.
By the end of conversation, he opened up and admitted he had no idea where his belief that chiropractic was ‘rough’ came from. He figured it was because it was all he knew from what others told him. He also said he was glad my patient was seeing us and also agreed that he thought it would help.
“Why do kids need chiropractic care? Do their backs hurt?”
It’s a great question and one that many people have when I tell them I am a chiropractor who focuses on pediatrics and family wellness care.
Kids present to our office with everything from asthma, allergies, colic, sleep issues and even sensory, autism and ADHD challenges. We don’t make claims to cure them of anything. But does it make sense that if they are challenged with any of the above – wouldn’t we want their nervous systems running optimally? How long should their nervous system function optimally?
No – kids need chiropractic like they need dentistry. We spend our lifetimes taking care of their 40 teeth. Same goes for the 24 spinal bones. We should maintain their spine and nervous systems pro-actively. Imagine going to the dentist at age 40 without ever seeing a dentist.
“Research indicates that the major cause of spinal subluxation in infants is childbirth and its widespread incidence during infancy. In our mind, stressing the need for correction from birth so that irreversible subluxation degeneration changes do not occur.”1
The majority of children have had a few thousand falls before 3 years of age. 50% have had a fall from 4 feet high or more (think change tables, counters etc). As their bodies grow, we as parents, want them to grow up to be healthy and strong. Chiropractic adjustments restore the body’s ability to adapt to the forces a young child endures as they grow.
A child’s nervous system will develop over 65% of its neurons in the first year of life. As they develop, chiropractic adjustments remove interference allowing this natural process to be maximized.
Like all of us, kids are born to be healthy. It’s pre-programmed into our DNA. They innately know how to take breast milk from a mom and make new cells. By giving kids the best foods, making sure their nervous systems are clear and supporting them with love and providing a peaceful environment – they are well on their way to expressing health!
Kids and what?
Most babies are born healthy. They have been living in a safe environment during the gestation period and have been provided essentially with everything they need.
However, spinal injury or vertebrae misalignment can occur during childbirth and throughout childhood and adolescence. The spine can malfunction and erode over time just from day to day activities. Babies who are tossed in the air for example can be injured and suffer a Subluxation or misalignment in their spine.
A simple activity such as learning how to walk, run, or ride a bicycle can cause many falls and bumps to a child. Therefore: more subluxations.
So how can Chiropractic help?
First we must understand the benefits of Chir opractic adjustments by understanding what the spine provides for us. The spine and nerves are the link between the brain and every organ in the body. Subluxations or a pinching of nerves can cause disruption between organs and the brain; thus causing problems such as asthma and respiratory distress, ear infections, headaches, colic, and digestive concerns just to mention a few.
A few simple observations can be made to reveal your own child’s posture. Have your child stand facing you, do the ears, shoulders and hips appear uneven? From the side are any of the following four points out of alignment? (ears, shoulders, hips, ankles should be in a straight vertical line). Holding a natural stance: does your child’s head appear to lean too far forward? If you answer yes to any of the above observations, postural deviation may be present and should be professionally evaluated by a Chiropractor.
Early detection and treatment are vital and can help children maintain a healthy spine and good health for their entire lifetime. Regular posture examinations are as important as regular dental, and eye checkups. Optimal health means a healthy spine. Schedule your spinal examination today as part of your family’s wellness program.
Check out our FREE webinar this coming Tuesday August 22 at 7pm
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