The best way to feel more energized? Stay active! Top research journals have shown that moderate exercise can increase your energy. A simple 10-15 minute walk can get your blood pumping and increase the oxygen coming into your body, helping you feel more energized and maybe even helping you shed a few extra pounds.
Why it Matters:
Moderate exercise can help you feel energized by releasing endorphins,
which make you feel happier, while contributing to a better quality of sleep. Additionally, exercise helps train the heart to work more efficiently. Ultimately, your immune system will also function better with consistent exercise. In other words, exercise can not only help you feel more energized, but it can reduce your likelihood of getting sick. And combining a moderate exercise routine with chiropractic care may be one of the best ways to stay healthy and energized all year long.
▪ Exercise releases endorphins which make us feel more energized and happier
▪ A simple 10-15 minute walk per day can improve your energy level by over 20%
▪ Regular exercise can help you sleep better and reduce your risk of getting sick
Don’t feel like exercising? You choose your pain. It’s either the pain of feeling terrible and living in so-so or poor health or the pain of getting up and exercising. The former results in more pain. The latter allows you the joy of experiencing something great later. Have you ever had a great workout and been miserable afterwards? Then let’s get moving and choose the ‘pain’ of exercising shall we?
And another thing – stop feeling like it is an “ALL OR NOTHING” thing! Many people get caught up in the notion that you have to ‘kill yourself’ in order to get a great workout; or if you usually do 60mins and you only have 30 mins then it’s not worth doing.
All exercise helps your body. Even if you have 10mins, you can get a great 10 mins of activity and feel great afterwards. Who doesn’t have 10 mins?
Next Steps:
Start with a simple calendar. Schedule at least three days per week that you can take a 10-15 minute walk. By putting the activity on your schedule, it’s more likely that you will follow through. Also, ask us about how chiropractic care may be able to keep you pain-free and on track with your exercise goals. We want to partner with you to make this year your healthiest and happiest year ever!
Comment below – what are you committing to doing?
Science Source:
Sports Med. Endorphins and exercise. 1984
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. February 2008