admin, Author at Synergy Chiropractic

Getting sick is…normal?


Bottom Line: Believe it or not, getting sick is a body signal that your immune system is working! Yes, you read that correctly. Every single day you encounter bacteria that could make you sick. Fortunately, when you come into contact with these germs, your immune system kicks in and starts fighting them off without you ever knowing. On rare occasions, when your immune system isn’t functioning at 100%, your body will give you a signal- like a fever or a runny nose, that sickness may be on the way. But, what if there was research showcasing how you could make a few simple changes and not only decrease your likelihood of getting sick, but also strengthen your immune system?

Why it Matters: You probably know someone who almost never gets sick. Are they built with a superhuman immune system? Probably not. Most people who rarely get sick are taking pro-active steps to keep their immune system in tip-top shape. And when your immune system is functioning correctly- it can fight off almost anything that it comes in contact with. By making smart choices with your diet, staying active, and getting enough rest, you can ensure your immune system remains strong. Also, emerging research has shown that chiropractic adjustments can also improve our ability to stay well!


  • Eat a healthy diet of vegetables and lean meats to boost your immune system
  • Exercise daily to help your body (and mind) stay strong
  • Stay well adjusted to decrease stress and improve your overall well-being
  • Take time everyday for mental ‘self-care’ (journalling, meditation, walking,

February is the perfect time of year to take a few action steps and boost your immune system. A robust immune system will help you stay healthy and active, enjoying the things you love with the people you love.  And don’t forget to attend our upcoming health workshop where we will give you a custom-tailored plan to boost your immunity in 21 days!

Science Source:
Omega-3 fatty acids in inflammation and autoimmune diseases. The Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Dec 2002
Medline Plus. Exercise and Immunity. 2017
Glucose Metabolic Changes in the Brain and Muscles of Patients with Nonspecific Neck Pain Treated by Spinal Manipulation Therapy. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2017
After seeking chiropractic help in her twenty’s for the usual (and expected –or so I thought) lower back issues that go with horseback riding, she experienced a new level of health. Not only has she made chiropractic a regular part of her life but she has made a commitment to changing her lifestyle and coaches others how to do the same. She is an avid outdoors person. You can find her walking her beagle, biking, painting and drinking great coffee. Her true passion is riding horses and has been a competitive rider/jumper for years.

Celebrate With Us!


This month Dr. Craig celebrates 10 years since he opened the doors here at Synergy!  Honestly I think it’s me who’s celebrating!  I’ve been a patient for 8 of those 10 years and now happy to say I am working with him.  While he says it’s him who’s lucky to have such great practice members and he wants to celebrate all of you, I think it’s time to really show him how much we appreciate his dedication to our health.

Can you imagine knowing that you can make a difference in peoples lives and having the focus and determination to set up your own shop!  And still believing it 10 years later!  Every day I watch (and listen) as Craig slowly guides all of us to better choices in our lives, gets us out of our weekend oopsies and calmly “straightens” us out!  His passion for kids is evident and he really lights up when our kid members are in.  And they light up around him too!   He takes on some serious situations, some teeny tiny babies (and their moms) and just plain wants all of us to be in the best health possible.

But who cares for him?  Well he does!

Dr Craig Hazel

Family Chiropractor – Dr. Craig Hazel

  • He fuels his body carefully
  • He works out so that he is strong
  • YES! He get’s regular adjustments
  • He has an amazing family and support structure

He leads by example and is committed to his community both in and out of the practice.

So when you’re in this week for your care remember to give him the thumbs up, have a treat and sign his card!

I’m happy and proud to know him, to work with him and to say he’s my Doc!

After seeking chiropractic help in her twenty’s for the usual (and expected –or so I thought) lower back issues that go with horseback riding, she experienced a new level of health. Not only has she made chiropractic a regular part of her life but she has made a commitment to changing her lifestyle and coaches others how to do the same. She is an avid outdoors person. You can find her walking her beagle, biking, painting and drinking great coffee. Her true passion is riding horses and has been a competitive rider/jumper for years.

Female Caregiver? Exhausted?

Think WellGet Adjusted

In the month of May we celebrate the women in our lives!  We are the natural caregiver, the mothers, daughters, friends, givers.  Always ready to lend a hand, cook a meal, share a celebration and a go to when the chips are down.   As providers of the majority of informal care to spouses, parents, parents-in-law, friends and neighbors, we play many roles while caregiving—hands-on health provider, care manager, friend, companion, surrogate decision-maker and advocate.  Always giving but is the expectation too much?

I know speaking from experience that the last few months as caregiver to my Mom has been a roller coaster of poor sleep, fast food, missed work, many miles in my car and always checking the phone for messages.  Not to mention an emotional roller coaster.  I’m exhausted!

The health consequences on our caregivers is heavy.  Problems such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, susceptibility to every little cold and flu and even major immune breakdowns such as shingles and pneumonia.  As workforce participation increases, caregiving could pose even greater financial challenges for many women workers, due mostly to lost wages from reduced work hours, time out of the workforce, missed promotions, family leave or early retirement.

But it’s not all doom and gloom!  After all, like most of you I wouldn’t leave my moms care up to just anybody.  We have a big, beautiful, loving, family willing to help.  I just need to ask.   And I do work at a pretty cool place with health resources to keep me on track.  Again, I can’t hide from the fact that I too need some care.

Here’s what this caregiver uses to help me through;

  1. Let’s start with the obvious.  Getting adjusted!  I know from first hand experience that it helps stabilize my emotions.  My physical body was trembling with anxiety and my state of mind was laughing hysterically at the silliness.   Within minutes of the adjustment I was calming down.  And it has helped me get some much needed sleep.
  2. Food.  Well…. Lets just say they can put the calorie count on all their drive thru boards.  It doesn’t make the choices any better. Keeping a stash of nuts, fruit and bottled water in my car has saved me several times!
  3. Sleep.  On the nights when it is not my friend… I try not to freak out and adjust my following day accordingly.  I have had to cancel many obligations and social outings that I just wasn’t prepared to be happy at!  My friends understand.
  4. ASK FOR HELP!  A good friend reminded me that it’s ok to say “I’m not ok”  I have a great group of family and friends but I have to let them know when and how I need them.  Don’t be shy.

So if you know a caregiver, ask how you can help! And if you are one remember, sometimes the caregiver needs to be taken care of!



After seeking chiropractic help in her twenty’s for the usual (and expected –or so I thought) lower back issues that go with horseback riding, she experienced a new level of health. Not only has she made chiropractic a regular part of her life but she has made a commitment to changing her lifestyle and coaches others how to do the same. She is an avid outdoors person. You can find her walking her beagle, biking, painting and drinking great coffee. Her true passion is riding horses and has been a competitive rider/jumper for years.

The Anti-Inflammatory World – What are we doing to ourselves?

Be FitEat RightThink WellGet Adjusted

Get outside and live life fully!

The anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle is very much in the news these days.  Is it Fact, Fiction or Fad?

I’m very much learning as I go so I will take a basic intro to the anti-inflammatory world of do’s and don’ts and share them with you!  And would love your ideas, feedback and recipes.

First let’s talk about inflammation. What is it? Why does it happen and why is it bad for us? Or is it?

Inflammatory cells are cells that cause inflammation. They release different molecules and mediators that can cause an area to become hot, hyperperfused (red), painful and swollen. In some cases, inflammation is a good thing.  A mosquito bite gets puffy and red.  It’s the body’s way of isolating a problem or intruder, rushing blood cells to the area to fight and heal.

It is important to let the body heal itself.  But when is it a problem and what is chronic low level inflammation doing to our bodies? Let’s look at what today’s lifestyles throw at our bodies, things that previous generations never had to deal with and as a result we are seeing more and more chronic illnesses and even fatal diseases. Things such as chronic fatigue, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Let’s take a look at contributing factors;

·         Sedentary lifestyles – we work more, exercise less.

·         Diet and Nutrition – we think of diet predominantly as a number/result issue as opposed to nutrition/wellness  – Processed foods may be fast  and easy but it’s also a fast and easy way to wreck your health.

·         Environmental contributors – pollution, second hand smoke and even medications.

Hence the Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle! Or as we like to say around here “ a balanced lifestyle”. Identify in your life what could be contributing to unnecessary inflammation in your body.  Some of these things you can change some you can’t. Cut out ONE simple anti-inflammatory causing food at a time.  Replace it with an anti-inflammatory fighter!  Follow a vitamin regimen and modify it as needed. GET ADJUSTED!  A well-functioning nervous system is the hub to wellness.  Discover a fun way to exercise that will keep you motivated and committed. Hiking, dancing, skating or even just walking.  I have friends that have recently discovered photography and bird watching.  Get outside and live!  Do everything possible to help your body fight todays challenges!

Here are a few more anti-inflammatory ways to fights;

·         Omega 3 – in its purest form

·         Spices such as turmeric, ginger, curry and garlic

·         Whole grains such as wild rice, quinoa and oats

·         Go fresh!  Stay in the fresh food isles and explore new ways to add foods (for me it’s some I don’t enjoy) as smoothies and soups

·         Tea, dark chocolate and yes even a little red wine is good for you!


So when (not if) we choose a balanced approach to an anti-inflammatory lifestyle, we will be helping our bodies be inflammation fighters when they need to be!


After seeking chiropractic help in her twenty’s for the usual (and expected –or so she thought) lower back issues that go with horseback riding, she experienced a new level of health. Not only has she made chiropractic a regular part of her life but she has made a commitment to changing her lifestyle and coaches others how to do the same. She is an avid outdoors person. You can find her walking her beagle, biking, painting and drinking great coffee. Her true passion is riding horses and has been a competitive rider/jumper for years.